Katzia News

Commenting on today's current event's, news and sports.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Obama, Clinton, McCain..Oh My

How do you say "none of the above" when it pertains to politics? Hillary wants to get into office to give Bill something to do, Obama wants to get in so that his wife can tell other diplomats what she thinks of them. Then maybe she would be a proud American.Some have even suggested he's the anti-Christ. McCain wants to be president because he's been trying so stinking long. Who do you vote for? It's a tough question.

If a Democrat becomes president,our troops will be home. Which would be nice, but it would be a long time before we would send troops back, if ever. Maybe we should turn our backs on that part of the world and let them fend for themselves. Those countries do not want us there in the first place. How many times have you heard "are we the worlds police force?" Maybe it's time for us to pull out and maybe not. It's not for us to decide. I often wonder what other countries think about our politics. Here we are with candidates bashing each other, public officials resigning from office because of various sex scandals, you get the picture. Now with all of that in mind, we are to lead other countries towards democracy? I think not.

Our economy is going down the toilet, it's cheaper to buy imported cars rather than American. That's out fault, if we didn't have the unions calling the shots, maybe our companies would have survived and or stayed in this country. We spend more money and get less,regardless if it's food or health care.

Then what about these twenty somethings trying to get out of working, and letting the system take care of them, when we have 80 year olds still working three days a week? Why, because their pensions will not hold them over from month to month. The working stiffs of the USA may not have any pension to fall back on.

I think we should shut down our borders, stop importing products, and rely on our own resourses..we are American's!